Range Updates

On Monday the 19th we will be putting a new layer of gravel at the entrance to the facility by the pro-shop and main gate. We don’t expect the entrance to be blocked for very long while the gravel is spread. Worst case, you may have to park on the driveway if you are coming to the range in the morning.

Unfortunately, due to folks continually breaking the range rules within the 360-bay, we must remove the hanging steel targets from that bay. People continue to shoot the steel targets with rifle calibers even though there are signs clearly posted within the bay stating not to do that. The steel targets are now to the point where they are unsafe. One of them even has a hole clear through it.

Some folks have also shot the steel frames that hold the target backers, punching holes in the uprights. This after we had to weld AR500 steel to the front of the horizontal posts since folks were shooting them with rifle calibers. We have a simple policy – get caught shooting the steel frame and your membership will be revoked and you will be asked to leave the property. The steel frames are not targets. If you are shooting the paper targets and missing so badly that you are hitting the steel frame, either get closer to the targets and work on your fundamentals, or pick up a new hobby like bowling or maybe sewing. 

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